August 2018 News

It's that time again! 2018/2019 new season check list:

  1. Don’t forget to renew your USFA membership:

  2. Check the Local Tournament Schedule, renew your Bay Cup Membership and mark down the events you want to fence:
  3. If you are planning to go to the Nationals, you are a pro and you know where to look….


NEW to Fencing?

The Northern California Division has a wide spread of clubs from Santa Rosa (most North) to San Carlos (most South) with many in San Francisco and Oakland (East Bay).  Visit a couple and find your match: the club will guide you through the process.

Visit our Club Page


Local Tournaments Awareness:

subscribe to "The Bay Cup Newsletter": contact Mark.

Social Networks to join:

Follow @USFencing on Twitter to hear the latest national and international fencing news.

Join the Bay Cup Fencing Group on Facebook to hear the latest local news.


Northern California Qualifiers schedule

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